It has been more than a month since I last blogged. Life has decided to take over. I coach both boys soccer teams (head coach for one, asst coach for the other.) We have soccer practice four times/week between the two teams. And two games every Saturday morning. In addition to soccer and my full-time job, I also thought it would be a great idea to sign up as the room mom for my 2nd grader’s class.
I’ve never been a room mom before, but it basically boils down to coordinating volunteers to do stuff for the teacher and planning three parties for the kids. Planning parties I can do. Coordinating volunteers I can do. Filling in when I don’t have a volunteer, AND also being assigned as the HEAD ROOM MOM for 2nd grade – what the hell have I gotten myself into?!
Today, I volunteered as a library helper (because no one else volunteered!) So I helped kids find books in the library. Afterwards, I helped the teacher by stuffing papers into paper protectors in the kids folders. Then I was supposed to have lunch with my 1st grader. Except I thought lunch was at 11:30 and it was at 11, so I totally missed the entire lunch. Bah.
The perks of being the room mom? The teacher is hopefully nicer to my child who is not taking his meds for his ADHD diagnosis (that I don’t really believe is ADHD), who has been doing great for the first five weeks of school but who has started (this week) to demonstrate the symptoms that caused the diagnosis in the first place (probably a run-on sentence and I don’t care.)
Besides life getting in the way of blogging, we’ve been on the fence about our future… specifically… what the hell do we want to do with our lives?! We have no answers. I guess I thought I would blog when we had a clue. Not happening. We literally ask ourselves EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. “What are we going to do?” And we’ve got nothing.
That’s a lie. We have a million things. A million directions we could go. A million ways we can live. Picking one is where we are struggling. We can not decide what the “right” move is. We have so many pros and cons. We have so many what-ifs. We have so many “this could be great. or this could be a disaster.” We have so many fears. We have so many questions. We have so many possibilities.
Too many.
That’s what happening with us. What’s been happening with you?