We did it. We have officially moved onto our boat, GIRO.

We said goodbye to our two acres and 3100 sf house and almost all of its contents. We rented a 50 sf storage unit. And we moved probably way too much stuff to our 380 sf sailboat. (FYI.. If you are looking to downsize, be prepared to make it your full-time job. Also, sell your mattress last. And… I recommend that you have lots of friends who can help.)

Our boat is still being repaired from being struck by lightning three months ago. Which means we are stuck at the dock until all of our instruments are installed and working. Our batteries have gone kaput, and slowly killing us with the poison gas that emits from them. The guy promised they would be installed last week (before we moved aboard.) And then two days ago. And then today. And now tomorrow. Sigh.
It is also hotter than hades in Texas in June (and we have no permanent air conditioner on board.) We have purchased two portable a/c units that are keeping it a cool 83 degrees during the day – in the salon – probably 90+ in the cabins. At least it cools off at night…
The animals are adjusting just fine!
Matt and I are still working full-time. The boys are still seeing too much of their computer screens. Stuff is still not unpacked because we haven’t found a place to put it all. And we’ve eaten out almost every meal.
But we are only two days in to this… and this is our morning view:
We are looking forward to getting settled and off the dock soon.
We have friends coming to visit this week and family coming next week. And we’ve made new friends who invited us to BBQ this weekend…
Life is good.

selling all, renting a 50 sf storage and moving to a 380 sf ‘home’ sounds really familiar 🙂
Yes! We are trying to find places to put all of the stuff! We’ve already started a purge pile… haha. I have a box of stuff that I keep throwing items in, “we don’t need this…”
So excited for you! Tell Zach Peacock (cuz I always called him both names) that Mrs. Mauer said hi and to write about what he sees! Love that kids’ writing! Cheers to y’all!
Yay! Thanks for writing to Zach… He says HI. He will be journaling as part of his homeschooling. I will post some stuff that the boys write on the blog…