
It’s official. The boat is ours. We took possession on Friday, August 7. I feel like I should have done a better job at documenting everything, but it has been an exhausting last couple of weeks. I’m going to write a few posts to capture everything that happened/is happening now.  For this blog post – It […]

Crapping my pants

We leave in three days. We will fly from Austin, TX to Fort Lauderdale, FL to pick up our boat.  OUR boat. Eeeekk!! It is actually happening! And now that we are this close, I’m crapping my pants.

HOLY SHIP! We are buying a boat!

After YEARS of planning, researching, learning, shopping, saving, sailing, and dreaming of buying a boat and sailing around the world – the stars have aligned! We found the perfect boat for us. After YEARS of telling family and friends that one day we will quit our jobs, sell everything we own, buy a boat and sail around […]